When we use credit cards, because the amount used has exceeded our income, so many people choose to repay loans in installments to help themselves tide over difficulties, this is not right, we should not often repay credit cards in installments, often installment repayment is easy to reduce credit card scores, affecting the increase of credit card limits in the later period.
1. How to operate the installment repayment correctly
Two or three times a year, the instalment amount does not exceed 60% of the credit card limit.
There are two types of credit card instalments, one is spending instalment and the other is bill instalment. If your billing limit is too high, make a purchase installment, and you can specify one or more installment purchases. And the longer the installment time, the better, preferably 3-9 installments, the longest 12 installments. Although there are 24 periods, it is not recommended to do 24 periods, one reason is that 24 periods are too long, and the other reason is that 24 periods affect the increase of credit card limits.
2. Under what circumstances is the need for credit card installment business
(1)Frequent use of credit cards requires an installment operation
Those who often swipe with POS need to do staging, especially those who often use one or two POS cards. Frequent card swiping is prone to problems, this problem is very serious, a quarter to do a small installment on the line.
If you have been a normal consumer, then you can do it or not, if you want to do installments, then do 1-2 installments a year.
(2) Receive warnings or risk control text messages
Receiving warnings and risk control text messages is more dangerous, and it is possible that it will be derated soon. If you have not done installment before, you need to pay credit card installment business after receiving a warning or risk control SMS.
(3)If you swipe a lot of cards and often receive bank customer service invitation installment calls in a certain period of time, then you also need to do a credit card installment business, generally frequently receive customer service invitation installment calls, indicating that your credit card has a problem. Credit card instalment business needs to be carried out as soon as possible.
If you don't do credit card instalment business at this time, it is likely that you will soon reduce the credit card usage limit.So what is frequent invitation installment? Inviting installments more than 3 times a week is considered to be frequent installments, and if this frequency is exceeded, it is recommended to carry out credit card installment business. Sometimes doing installment business is very effective to prevent derating, otherwise customer service will not often invite you to pay in installments.
Although credit cards bring convenience to our lives, when we use them, we must use credit cards reasonably according to our actual situation, and also carry out credit card installment business within a specific time, so as to help us improve our quality of life.